bad data

Open by Default is a Self-Governing Commons

So Open by Default is a Self-Governing Commons. What does that mean, exactly? Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Steve Adler of IBM about Open by Default, the successor organization to the InfoGov community. Steve, IBM’s data strategist, founded InfoGov.  I asked him how he planned to take a great success like InfoGov […]

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The Disproportion of Theory to Knowledge

A Disproportion of Theory to Knowledge Means Speculation and Guessing Thinking of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, it certainly is true. Much speculation but few facts.  I waited more than two weeks to make this post, first hoping that there would be a happy conclusion to the disappearance, and then hoping simply for some

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Pick the Right Customer

Pick the right customer with your data? In the March 2014 issue of the Harvard Business Review (HBR), Robert Simons,  the Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, writes that organizations need to identify their primary customer type, and focus their business delivery there. With the right subscription you can read the

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Data Quality Improvement & Change Management

Change Management Sustains Data Quality Improvement Initiatives Making data quality improvement a “top of mind” action issue throughout an organization doesn’t happen by accident. It doesn’t happen because you buy a tool suite. It doesn’t happen because the IT organization gets tired of explaining that they don’t own the organization’s data and don’t have the

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Data Quality Janitor

Data Quality Janitor? Yes, that phrase came up in a recent interview session. Cal Braunstein of the Robert Frances Group, and I have been interviewing participants in our “Poor Data Quality – Negative Business Outcomes” survey, run with the IBM Information Governance Community. We prepared a spreadsheet of the interview responses gathered thus far, and I

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Client Sheryll Law

Data Credibility

Information Confidence or Data Credibility? Data Credibility or Information Confidence, take your pick. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Thomas C. Redman, Ph.D. has written a timely article on data credibility, now available in the December 2013 Harvard Business Review (HBR). If you have an online subscription, you can read it here. Also have

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