Information Confidence

Open by Default is a Self-Governing Commons

So Open by Default is a Self-Governing Commons. What does that mean, exactly? Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Steve Adler of IBM about Open by Default, the successor organization to the InfoGov community. Steve, IBM’s data strategist, founded InfoGov.  I asked him how he planned to take a great success like InfoGov

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Trust your Numbers

Trust your numbers, but never trust your gut. Always trust your numbers. Never trust your gut. Those are the words of Daniel Kahneman, the economics Nobel laureate. In an video interview series with Inc. Magazine’s Editor in Chief, Eric Schurenberg,  Kahneman tells us that experts tend to be overconfident, and make predictions without enough information. We are

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Client Sheryll Law

Data Credibility

Information Confidence or Data Credibility? Data Credibility or Information Confidence, take your pick. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Thomas C. Redman, Ph.D. has written a timely article on data credibility, now available in the December 2013 Harvard Business Review (HBR). If you have an online subscription, you can read it here. Also have

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Measuring Information Confidence

What does Measuring Information Confidence Mean to You? When you read the phrase “Measuring Information Confidence”, what does your gut tell you? Are you thinking about what gives you confidence in the information you use for decision-making? Could you quantify your thoughts? Are you considering the fundamental elements of data quality, like whether information is

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